
Asia in A Frame

A couple weeks ago, Ross and I decided to put the many scraps, business cards, and bus tickets from our Southeast Asia trip to good use. We didn't put them in a traditional scrapbook (although what leftovers we do have will be pasted into our travel book); we decided to arrange, paste, and organize our little hearts out by placing them in a 22x28" framed collage.

We are by no means craft experts, so we arbitrarily placed all of the items on the poster board, along with five or six photos glued onto orange construction paper, and got to gluing. We saved everything from our Korean Air boarding passes to our funky green headbands in Vang Vieng to papers with games we played with friends in Pai. Here are a few snapshots of portions of the board:

Ross in a van in Indo, A Little Bird Guesthouse business card, bus & plane tickets

Me riding a bike in Vientiene, city recommendations, hotel business cards, and copy of Ross' passport

Headband from tubing, pass for Angkor Wat, Gringo's card (best Mexican food in Vietnam), and the worst hotel in Hanoi.

Overall, it took a couple hours, a few different layouts, one glue stick, and one black frame from Target, but in the end we were quite proud of ourselves. We can't wait to hang it in our new place!

The finished product



  1. love, love, LOVE this - you crafty little creatures!

  2. LOVE this! Such an amazing little momento you two can keep forever :)

  3. this is AMAZING!!! can't tell u how much i love this, and i haven't even seen the real deal :-)

  4. I do believe that you're turning into a regular Martha Stewart : ) xoxo
