
Memory Lane

There's something about looking through old photos of family that makes me so happy. My grandma stopped by today with a tote bag filled with her family albums, as well as a bunch of photos from my grandpa's side. Nostalgia for the 'good old days', recognition of myself and my mom in my grandma when she was younger, and loving the styles of the different eras. Some of my favorites from my trip down memory lane? A wedding photo from the 1920's (so Titanic-esque!), my great grandfather's senior yearbook where he was voted "Best Dressed," and the sweetest picture of my mom when she was six or seven (below). Has your family kept a lot of old photos?


Mom back when she was little Sue Mann.

Grandpa circa 1950-ish

Grandma circa 1950-ish


  1. I know exactly how you feel about special pictures from the family albums. It trips me out when I think that EVERYONE was young once and we all have amazing stories~
