
Good God, I'm a Pinner

After perusing Pinterest passively for weeks, I finally requested an account and now I am ADDICTED. Seriously, this thing is like Tumblr on steroids and filled with precisely my type of wonderful. I know I'm a bit tardy to the party, but follow me and you'll get a deeper insight on just how well I can waste an hour+ of time.

*This beautiful boy needs to be pinned ASAP.

So far, pretty people, lovely quotes, and pics of food are dominating.

P.S. Question to all you Pinners regarding Wedding Boards...Is it OK to have one of these if I'm not: A. A wedding planner B. Married or C. Engaged? I mean, all those beautiful pics & inspiration need to go SOMEWHERE for when the time comes, right? Too much or is this acceptable in Pin Land?

Happy Hump Day, all!


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