
Going into combat

Am I the only one who feels that a strong throwback to the Kurt Cobain, grunge, heroin-chic 1990's is strongly in effect right now? The boots that are all the rage right now are eerily familiar to boots that were all the rage when I was in 5th grade: Doc Martens.

Googled my old boots for the '95-'96 school year.

I want to be more of a fashion risk-taker, especially when it comes to quirkier pieces. I'm tired of thinking "I can't wear that", and "that's not me." If it looks so hot on everyone else, or at least the girls who pull it off (ie. models and 18 year olds), then why can't I? I used to wear nothing but flannel shirts, leggings, and lace up boots and I rocked it. If I could do it then, I can now! And so can you. In fact, you probably already do.
*Note: If you do, let me know/send me a picture/send me a smoke signal!

These lovely lace up cognac boots will be my first attempt at channeling Fiona Apple. I'll let you know how it goes.  I've seen you around, you sly dog. I don't know if you're too wild for me, but I'm gonna make you mine...

A little Victorian, a little grunge...

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. ummm....as I told you at Nordstrom the other day. I am OBSESSED with this style, and you could totally pull it off!! <3 you
