
Vino, Pasta, e Famiglia

Don't worry guys, I'll translate that for you: wine, pasta, and family. I thought a little Italiano theme was clever for this post. Now that that tricky stuff is over let's get down to business.

Tonight, Ross and I have the delight to go to his lovely cousin Lacey's abode. She and her husband Zac are playing host and hostess to us for the evening. We have been lured by the promise of wine, pasta, and games. And you know our love for games. See post here.

I'll come toting my new favorite red- and it's kind of a big deal for me that I'm actually bringing a red wine to share (usually I'm the girl who only brings her favorite Riesling and proceeds to drink the whole bottle because no one else likes it that sweet. Whatever). The praised bottle is Menage a Trois California Red- the name's a little frisky, I know. And it does have a frisky effect on those who imbibe it. (Doesn't all vino?) I guess we are celebrating National Wine Drinking Day a little late (it was 2/18), but better late than never, right?

Getting extremely excited to play some of my favorite 4+ player games- Apples to Apples, Taboo, and maybe even a little Scrabble if we decide to get into astuto (smart) mode.

What are your favorite red wines & group games?


*Photo courtesy David Daniels Photography
*Acclamazioni= cheers.


  1. Haha did you take those bottles from Lil's cabinet??? Lol


  2. The Menage is one of my faves too - at $7 a bottle, you can't go wrong! Miss you Miss Hill!!
