
Board Game Blues

If this post were a country song, it would be sung with lots of drawl, lots of twang, and reealll slow. Yes, I've got the board game blues.

For those of you who know me, you know I wouldn't be Lindsay without a true love for board games, card games, and everything in between (i.e. Boggle- not a board game or a card game). For those of you who know my beau, Ross, you know that games=one of our favorite past times. When we were backpacking in Asia, our one accessory always in Ross' little green backpack was our Rummy deck. Yes, it's sad but true- we are obsessed.

Now here's the dilemma: last night, after dinner we decided to play a game. Would it be Scrabble (which I dominate on 9 times out of 10), or would it be Boggle (where the converse is true)? Both seemed blah. And since we didn't have a 3rd and 4th player, the best games are out (Scattergories, Apples to Apples, etc.). That's when it hit me...Have the games that have been a part of our repertoire since we started dating finally lost their luster? We decided we may need a new game.

We racked the internet only to find too many options. Some pirates card game? Yet another word game? Every option looked dismal. The best one we found was an Ecuadorian card game called Cuarenta that tried to woo us with promises of "bravado and wit." Hmmm.

We settled on popping in a DVD instead- Barbershop.

Can anyone recommend any decent,competitive, and fun 2 player games?



  1. I know exactly what you mean, my ex and I always had the same dilemma! One time he even joked that he was starting to understand polygamy lol. You can only play so much scrabble and gin rummy. We also played speed and spit to shake things up sometimes but even faster paced games like that get repetitive.

    Alternatively, a few of my friends are game designers and their company released one last year called "Ascension" that would generally fall under the category of super nerdy deck building game, but it's so well designed that you can actually get into the simple strategy aspect of it without all the mythology so it's easy to learn, then develop personal preferences for how certain cards work together etc. as you go. They made a few of us girls test it out to see if it was actually something people outside of the "serious gamer" demographic would pick up on and enjoy haha, and sure enough we did! :) Up to four can play but it's perfectly fun with two players. http://www.ascensiongame.com/howtoplay

    Good luck getting out of the rut!

  2. Kev and I started playing SPEED on our honeymoon and continue to keep tally of who wins to this day (we're over a year in) ... not sure what the winner will get or when we'll decide the game is officially 'over' but we love it. It's mindless and just gets you going, especially if you lose a lot - like me.

    Also, my family always plays Sets and Runs - I am OBSESSED! Unfortunately, it's not a 2 person game but if you're ever looking for something to do on a family vacae, etc. and have 4 or more ... it's a must!

    If you're completely out of options you could always buy Jenga, make a little 'truth or dare' game out of it and i'm sure that'll keep you going for hours! ... Possibly inappropriate but maybe not. :)

  3. Cousin!!! You should get Sequence! It's a super fun little board game that you can play with two or more. At the next family get together we have to play Apples to Apples and of course our traditional game of Mafia! Love you and your blog my beautiful cousin :)


  4. Lindsay,

    You and Ross should learn how to play cribage. I played with my grandfather growing up and loved it. I am yearning to re-acquaint myself with this game. It has been a long time.


  5. Not sure how many players are required for this one, but I hear Settlers of Catan is supposed to be really fun. My sister is addicted. Are you playing words with friends?! If so look me up! Miss you!!
